Home> Accessibility Policies
Accessibility Policies
First Reference Inc. is committed to providing an environment that is and feels accessible to all people. In alignment with our core values of respect for all people and excellent customer service, we are committed to providing barrier-free, exceptional customer service to all, including persons with disabilities.
Our accessibility policies are available in PDF and include the following:
Customer service policies
- Access to goods or services
- Communication
- Use of assistive devices
- Use of service animals
- Disruption of services
- Customer feedback policy
- Customer service training
- Documentation and annual filing
Information and communication policies
- Committing to providing accessible information and communications
- Accessible formats and communication supports
- Accessibility and human rights training under the Integrated Accessibility Standards
Employment policies
First Reference welcomes and appreciates feedback regarding the customer service accessibility policies and their implementation. You may provide feedback in the following ways:
- Electronically to Customer Service at info@firstreference.com
- By phone with the Customer Service Manager at 905-761-7305 or by fax at 905-761-7306
- In writing at:
Customer Service Manager
First Reference Inc.
50 Viceroy Rd., Unit 1
Concord, Ontario
L4K 3A7
Questions about the policies
For more information about the policies, practices and procedures for accessible customer service, please contact Customer Service:
- Electronically to Customer Service at info@firstreference.com
- By phone with the Customer Service Manager at 905-761-7305 or by fax at 905-761-7306
- In writing at:
Customer Service Manager
First Reference Inc.
50 Viceroy Rd., Unit 1
Concord, Ontario
L4K 3A7